The whole IBELIV story


Tiana is the eldest of 11 siblings, two girls and nine boys.

In Madagascar, the boy represents for the parents a better guarantee for the future, and is of capital importance: a greater work force, transmission, inheritance.

As a result, and with a large family, parental affection was not always equitable.

But Tiana has an entrepreneurial temperament, and when she found herself raising her son Liva alone at a very young age, she showed ingenuity and courage. Alongside her studies, she made objects with her own hands to meet their daily needs, and quickly became aware of the importance of handicrafts for women's independence.

She taught her son perseverance, kindness and sharing, and worked hard to ensure he received a quality education. She enrolls him in the best schools, saving up to send him abroad. She wants him to succeed more than anything, and encourages him to study to become a chartered accountant in France. For her, this profession represents the financial guarantee of her son's future, and justifies the sacrifices and self-sacrifice required by such a separation.


With the treasures of his island and its cultural values firmly anchored in his memory, Liva also made some wonderful encounters once he arrived in France. Human encounters of course, but he also discovered design, which has always fascinated him. At the same time, chartered accountancy gave him a rigorous understanding of business life.


With the treasures of his island and its cultural values firmly anchored in his memory, Liva also made some wonderful encounters once he arrived in France. Human encounters of course, but he also discovered design, which has always fascinated him. At the same time, chartered accountancy gave him a rigorous understanding of business life.